Convert Excel to PDF online
Our free online tool allows you to convert spreadsheet documents into PDF files.
Secure Excel file conversion
We understand privacy is important thus we remove your files after 5 mins from our server.
The best Excel to PDF converter
Experience the best XLS or XLSX to PDF conversion in highest quality with our converter.
How to convert Excel to PDF online?
To convert Excel to PDF follow these steps:
- 1. Click Choose Excel Files, or drag and drop a file into the drop zone.
- 2. Select the XLS or XLSX file you want to convert.
- 3. Our convert now will begin the converting process.
- 4. Wait for the converter to finish the conversion.
- 5. Your Excel document is now converted to a PDF File.

Online PDF Converter
Lua is a free online PDF converter. No download required! Convert PDF to Word DOC, Excel, JPG, PNG, PPT and HTML files, or convert to PDF on the cloud.