Convert PDF to JPG online
Drag-and-drop or upload your PDF files and our tool will instantly convert it to a JPG image.
Your files are secured!
Once files are converted, we will automatically remove them from server after 5 mins.
Supported on all platforms
The online PDF to JPG converter is supported on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android & iOS.
How to convert PDF to JPG online?
Follow these steps to easily convert PDF file to JPG:
- 1. Click Choose PDF Files, or drag and drop a file into the drop zone.
- 2. Select the PDF file you want to convert.
- 3. Our tool will automatically start the conversion process.
- 4. Wait some time (depending upon the file size).
- 5. Your PDF document has been converted to a JPG image.

Online PDF Converter
Lua is a free online PDF converter. No download required! Convert PDF to Word DOC, Excel, JPG, PNG, PPT and HTML files, or convert to PDF on the cloud.