Convert PPT to PDF online
Use our online tool to convert your Powerpoint PPT or PPTX presentations to PDF file.
The best PPT to PDF converter!
With one-click functionality go from Powerpoint presentation to PDF with a single click.
Fast PowerPoint to PDF conversion
Simply drag and drop or upload your PPT files and retrive your new PDF format in seconds.
How to convert PPT to PDF online?
Follow these steps to quickly convert PowerPoint PPT file to PDF:
- 1. Click Choose PPT Files, or drag and drop a file into the drop zone.
- 2. Select the PPT or PPTX file you want to convert.
- 3. Our tool will automatically being the conversion.
- 4. Wait for the converter to finish converting the files.
- 5. Your PPT presentation has been converted to a PDF File.

Online PDF Converter
Lua is a free online PDF converter. No download required! Convert PDF to Word DOC, Excel, JPG, PNG, PPT and HTML files, or convert to PDF on the cloud.